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Green of Hope

The Green of Hope

A green shoot appears amongst the browned leaves

The green of potential surround by the wilted feats of the past

Place there by the change of seasons and prompted by the passage of time

The debris reminding me of what was once and again can be

It promotes me not to forget the promise of what my eyes have yet to see

It repeats the dreams of the potential that God has shown me

The revealed green shoot brings excitement and hope for the season to come

A season that will not be harsh to my dream but nurture them to spring forth

I rejoice

I see the green, and I gain hope and being to imagine what it will be

The fruit or the flower the beauty that will soon unfold

I rejoice because God has claimed that it is time

for that calling to woken from its dormancy

Oh, the expectancy of what the future holds for you and me

I clear away dead leaves, and loose debris springtime is near

God's love took hold of the wilt leaves

and placed them to insulated from the harshness of the cold

Now the sun springs for and declares its time

The cold has been defrosted and the seeds of the dream and potential preserved

That green shoot proclaimed a new season has arrived

And now my dreams my hopes can thrive

One day soon with care and power from the Son

The green shoot will declare more than hope It will declare it is done.

I pray that this poem blesses you and speaks hope to the season you are in or insulates you with patience and expectancy for the ones to come.

*Writing prompt by the word of the week, "Green" from FiveMinuteFriday.

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