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Stretch, The Holy Flex

There are many things we juggle and have before God at any given time: our family, careers, relationships, and struggles; God wants to show Himself strong through us in each and every one of them. When I am faced with a dilemma that makes me want to try the grace of God (use it as a license to sin), His presence anchors me if I allow Him. Rather than picking up angered, worldly, fearful, manipulative, and selfish tactics to handle a situation, I can choose to let myself be stretched and reach beyond my fleshly response and begin to flex in a holy manner that honors God. It is not always the most comfortable or, at the time, most gratifying choice, yet it is always the right one. I am not saying that I have mastered the flesh, but I know that in each situation, God is faithful and always there providing the better option or that way out (1 Corinthians 10:13).

The Spirit of God stretches us beyond the limiting thoughts of flesh and empowers us to live a God-honoring and abundant life.

There are so many ways that God wants to move in our lives and orchestra blessing for His people. But we must acknowledge that we are the limiting factor in the many ways that God wants to show up in our lives. His presence and our relationship with Him are immutable. However, our actions and decisions determine the fulfillment of many of His promises and the peace and fruit we see in our lives. God often wants to move, but we are unwilling to be stretched and operate in the obedience that will allow us to see the fruit of His promises. We must move in obedience, seeding, and watering so that God can bring about the increase.

The grace of God strengthens and transforms us to follow Him faithfully with our hearts and soul. And because we have a relationship with the Savior, we want to be too pleasing to Him. And Jesus let us know our obedience shows our love for Him (John 15:10). 1 Kings 2:3 encourages us to observe what God requires of us, keeping His ways “so that you will be successful in all you do and wherever you go.” We must be willing to yield to that God part that lives inside of us and allow Him to stand up and stretch us beyond the limits of the tight suit of human imperfection and sin-tainted mindsets. So we can grow and stand tall in the Holy Flex. Matthew 9:17 speaks to how old wineskins (old worldly mentalities) will not be able to stretch and contain what God wants to do on the inside of us. We need a new wineskin, a new mindset that allows God to stretch us so that we can reach our fullest potential. God wants to do something through us that calls for us to be stretched, and we need a new Christlike mindset that will accommodate the growth and transformation that God has intended for each of our lives.

Walk faithfully and watch God show Himself faithful in every situation.

Scripture Verses

Romans 8:37 “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

Romans 12:2 “5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

1 Corinthians 10:5 (NIV) We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

1 Kings 2:3-4 “Observe the requirements of the Lord your God, and follow all his ways. Keep the decrees, commands, regulations, and laws written in the Law of Moses so that you will be successful in all you do and wherever you go. If you do this, then the Lord will keep the promise he made to me. He told me, ‘If your descendants live as they should and follow me faithfully with all their heart and soul, one of them will always sit on the throne of Israel.”

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